Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Weekend walls

I haven't set out to go and photograph anything this week (or the last two weeks either) and I know that this approach of just walking around with a camera on my hip is not producing anything decent. My recent posts are stuff that I 'like' and nothing more; the work that really made me happy whilst being at uni was work that I could go out and capture for a specific project or theme.
Although street photography has become more of an interest to me (especially since graduating) I really need to be working on something more than street.
Hopefully over the coming weeks I can show more work that surrounds the themes/projects that I want to publish on my (soon-to-arrive) website.
In the meantime I've just started a Snapixel account (never been a fan of Flickr) to load more images that I 'like' - Snapixel will have more of the out-and-about shots, rather than the project/theme related work that I'm aiming to promote more on this blog.
Going through my images from being out and about this weekend I realised that I had several wall shots so I've quickly made an edit down to my favourite three.
