Sunday, 10 July 2011

GF(round)1 test shots

Very quick post tonight. Brief summary of the past few days;
- The GRD3 has been returned faulty for ghosting problems on Wednesday (no questions asked by the good guys at Clifton Cameras, full refund after testing in-store).
- New GF1 and 14mm F2.5 lens bought from Cameraland in Cardiff for a decent price on Thursday.
- First real chance to get out with the GF1 today (too much travelling and rain yesterday) and have a play around; however this was interrupted by a bad case of dodgy guts that kept me housebound this afternoon, which also meant I was unable to get my SPN book signed at Exmouth Market tonight, gutted (literally).
- Managed to venture out for 5 minutes at sunset to the local chippy to try out the GF1 in low light.
- I'm very happy with the GF1 image quality and low light capability. Even with this 14mm F2.5 lens that I initially feared might be too slow - seeing the results I'm glad I opted for the wider angle 14mm F2.5 over the larger aperture 20mm F1.7.
- GF1 now covered by insurance so I have no excuses about getting in the thick of it out there in the street.

More test shots tomorrow - guts are now settled.
